ShayWelcome Shay!

Shay is 1.5 years old and weighs 18lbs. She’s a shy, super sweet, energetic girl who loves to play. She is a total cuddle bug and wants a lap to snuggle on. We do not promise our dogs to be housebroken, therefore, some may still need some basic training. She loves to play with other dogs and will only be adopted to a family with another playful dog. Shay’s adoption fee is $450 and she is being fostered in Muskogee. Apply Today!

Contact Us

If you are interested in adopting one of our dogs and you have questions about the adoption process, the majority of answers can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you are unable to find your answer, feel free to EMAIL us. Please understand we are a non-profit, volunteer based rescue and it may take 1-7 days for a volunteer to respond.  

WE ARE Based out of OKLAHOMA
Out-of-state applications are accepted