Welcome Shay!
Shay is 1.5 years old and weighs 18lbs. She’s a shy, super sweet, energetic girl who loves to play. She is a total cuddle bug and wants a lap to snuggle on. We do not promise our dogs to be housebroken, therefore, some may still need some basic training. She loves to play with other dogs and will only be adopted to a family with another playful dog. Shay’s adoption fee is $450 and she is being fostered in Muskogee. Apply Today!
Welcome Pixie Lou!
Pixie Lou is 7 years old and weighs about 23 lbs. She’s a super sweet girl who loves to lounge in your lap. Her ideal home would be with a retired family or someone who works from home. Her favorite thing, above toys and treats and playing with other dogs in the home, is attention from her foster parents! Although we don’t promise our dogs to be housebroken, she’s done very well with her potty training! Her new family will need to have a secure fenced yard. Pixie Lou is a gem of a girl and is a very easy foster! Pixie Lou’s adoption fee is $250 and she's being fostered in Tulsa. Apply Today!
Welcome Frito!
Frito is a female and one of Connie's puppies born 2/19/24. She is between 13 -15 pounds. She is very energetic and playful, but also sweet and outgoing. She loves playing with anyone who will play with her people and dogs alike. She also loves cuddle time and is very sweet cuddling right into your arms. As all puppies, she will need work on basic manners and training, including housetraining as she grows. She does not do well with chickens and should not be in a home with them. Another dog in the home is required; we will not place a puppy in a home without another playful dog. A younger, active family that can keep up with the energy of a puppy will be best too. Frito's adoption fee is $450. Located in Tulsa. Apply Today!
Welcome Marty!
This little guy is a 2-year-old Bugg (Boston/Pug) who weighs about 18lbs. Marty is a bundle of energy who goes and goes until he crashes for the night. He loves to play with toys and dogs alike and will need another playful dog in his furever home. While we can never guarantee a dog to be fully housetrained, Marty does do well doing his business outside. He also does well in a crate but is unable to hold his potty for more than a few hours. Marty does know basic commands such as sit, down, and stay and would make an excellent therapy dog with a little more work with him. He's very eager to please and is very treat motivated. He would love an active family with children, but as long as he has an outlet for all of his energy, he will be good. Marty does have a sternum deformity (pectus excavatum) where his chest is caved in a little, but he has no ill effects from it. This little guy is full of love and energy and is ready for his furever family. Marty's adoption fee is $400 and he's being fostered in OKC.. Apply Today!
Welcome Mimi Marie! ***Medical Hold***
This sweetheart is 2 years old and weighs about 25lbs. Poor Mimi's world was turned upside down when her elderly person passed away. She was an only dog, and her person was her world so she's had a bit of anxiety in adjusting to her foster home, but she's coming along well! Mimi is crate-trained and knows how to use a doggy door and while we can never promise a dog to be fully housebroken, this girl has done great! Because of Mimi's anxiety, she will need a quiet, calmer home with no children. As she's from a home that only had a woman, she is uncertain of men, so will absolutely need a female as her primary person in her new home. Once she starts to come out of her shell, her sweet and slightly outgoing personality will begin to show. Since learning about fur siblings, Mimi has begun to play with other dogs, so she will need another playful dog in her home, only one or two would be ideal. We will not place her in a home that does not have another active dog. With time and patience, this little girl will flourish and make the best furbaby! Mimi Marie's adoption fee is $450 and she's being fostered in Muskogee. Apply Today!