SamA Welcome Sam!

Sam is 8 years old, weighs 29 lbs and is an overall great dog. He is learning to play and he does well with other dogs. He would do fine as an only dog or with other submissive dogs. He would do best in a home without small children. He enjoys his food and is a sucker for treats. He also loves to go and is great on a leash. He is adapting to his crate and even though we do not guarantee our dogs to be housebroken, he has consistently been doing his business outside. If you are looking for an older dog that is low-key and easy to manage, Sam is your boy. Sam’s adoption fee is $200 and he is being fostered in Oklahoma City. Apply Today!

Contact Us

If you are interested in adopting one of our dogs and you have questions about the adoption process, the majority of answers can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you are unable to find your answer, feel free to EMAIL us. Please understand we are a non-profit, volunteer based rescue and it may take 1-7 days for a volunteer to respond.  

WE ARE Based out of OKLAHOMA
Out-of-state applications are accepted